General Maintenance for Your Home’s Water
Well chlorinations are an inexpensive procedure as a way to disinfect a home’s well system. This preventative maintenance procedure should be done annually and is the most widely recommended means of treating water for bacterial contamination. Well chlorination uses chlorine to shock your home’s well system and the copper piping inside the house. This procedure helps to eliminate harmless bacteria causing a sulfur-like smell, alleviate iron buildup in the plumbing system, and keep iron bacteria under control. Having your well water tested for bacteria yearly by the local Health Department or an independent lab is essential.
When to Chlorinate a Well?
– When the water in your home only has a sulfur-like smell in the cold water, caused by harmless bacteria.
– As part of regular annual maintenance in the spring, summer, or fall
– The well is producing iron bacteria found as slime in the toilet tank
– When well work has been done on your existing well system
– After flooding near the well cap and casing.
-Annual water test results indicate any presence of bacteria in the water
What to Know About a Well Chlorination
– With a well chlorination, a home will be without water for 24-36 hours. There is no bathing, drinking, or laundry. The toilets can be used when needed.
– It is recommended to set aside water before drinking and cooking.
– All water treatment equipment must be bypassed, even drinking water systems, so no chlorine enters the systems.
– After the entire chlorination procedure has been completed, check the faucet aerators for sediment clogging.