Choosing which water softener salt can be challenging since there are many choices. Which salt is best for your water softener? We dissect the options and give you helpful information the next time you purchase salt for your water softener.
When choosing a water softener salt, purchase salt with a low level of impurities. For example, you’ll want to select a 99.8% soluble or clean salt. When choosing a clean salt, there is less potential for impurities building up in the salt tank, causing the need to clean the salt tank regularly and, even worse, causing the water softener to malfunction.
Types of Water Softener Salt:
- Pellet Salt – this type of salt is the cleanest and most pure salt on the market. Pellet grade salt is mined from underground salt deposits. A brine solution is created during the mining process, the moisture evaporates from the salt, and the salt is pelletized or crushed. This type of salt is typically the most expensive. Therefore, we prefer our customers to use pellet salt.
- Pellet Salt w/Rust Inhibitor – this is the same salt as pellet, but it has a rust remover additive. It is not a cure-all for irony water in your home, but it will help your water softener stay as efficient as possible to fight any iron in the water. An alternative to the rust bust salt is to buy pellet salt and a rust remover additive at any local hardware store or water dealer. They are typically sold in 5 lb. containers.
- Solar Salt – this type of salt is obtained through the evaporation of seawater and then dried. Solar salt can be described as a salt crystal and is small in form. There are typically more impurities than pellet salt with solar salt because it is natural. Keep in mind that some water softeners require solar salt due to its natural state if there is not a platform at the bottom of the salt tank.
- Rock Salt – this type of salt is considered “dirty” and not safe for water softeners. This salt is the least expensive of the group and has the highest impurities level. Therefore, it is not recommended for use in a water softener. The best use for rock salt should be used to melt ice and snow for your driveway or sidewalks during the winter months.
- Block Salt – this type of salt is inexpensive, but contains a high level of impurities. Block salt should only be used when your water treatment dealer requires it. Also, block salt is not packaged well and is exposed to dirt and dust. Instead of using block salt, a homeowner should consider using solar salt instead.
- Potassium Chloride – the only reason to choose potassium chloride is to eliminate sodium as a regenerant from your water softener. Homeowners should consider the high cost per bag and the amount of potassium chloride used during a water softener regeneration cycle.